Thursday, July 25, 2013

Downhill slide, the snowball is getting bigger

It is hard to believe class is almost over. We have learned so much new & exciting information that I feel like a snowflake that has fallen on fresh powder and is now rolling down a hill getting exponentially larger with every revolution...

What will today bring??

Center Court - "local vision"

implementing technology with staff, personal use of skills learned this week used at school, use imovies for meetings, diigo/google research tools for staff/students, offer G a job :-) {he needs to teach a L&C course}, resources to Wiki {multi-person blog} so all staff can see/use, Wikipedia is accurate {open source learning/data collection}, remember to look at "why" {uneducated, afraid, not sure what for, some already there}, personally inside own head then off to staff, let kids own it & create it, never "land" keep learning!

Today's videos

added as video, instead of link

I am a divergent thinker not a creative thinker!!  That really hit me hard as I always feel not very intelligent compared to my colleagues/educated friends because I use others ideas or can walk through numerous solutions from situations presented. Now I know why I want education to change & like to "think outside the box"...collaboration is one of my strong skill sets but most in education do not care for it or seem to be afraid of my abilities. Collaboration & divergent thinking is OK and in fact probably the norm that is squashed by the education system of uniformity & conformity!

I actually embedded this video with code under HTML (not link, cut n past, etc)

WOW, such powerful videos. I need to share these with my staff. One of my personal charges (vision) is to use technology more so I can be a catalyst for rest of staff. That is why I stated how I put these videos in this blog. I am trying/using different techniques so I can better curate my knowledge.

MOOC's = Massive Open Online Course

newest fad, is there a financial reason, actual coursework from credited universities BUT you do not get credit, application for giving students credit??, ethical uses??

Effective Webpages & Presentations

  •  Clear vision & purpose
  • user-focused navigation
  • user engagement
  • clear & concise messaging
  • simplicity


  1. I love the imagery you've captured with the snowflake...yesterday felt a bit like an avalanche, but an avalanche of exciting possibilities, for sure! We're in the home stretch and I am enthusiastic and anticipating more greatness to come! :)

  2. Nice metaphor. Keep rolling down the hill picking up speed and growth. Just don't crash...Thoughtful ideas and reflections in this, Bobby. Did you get a ride?

  3. What a powerful concept... Most of the time, I tend to think of this metaphor in a negative light, and yet this week it feel energizing. Thank you for contributions this week... very insightful!
